1. Study Participant Profile
The Policy Environment Study Coordinator should identify at least 10 Study Participants for the defined region. The Study Participants for the Policy Environment Study should be actively involved in high-level BIM discussions within the study region and/or knowledgeable of such discussions and developments.
Study Participants should work within:
- Ministries responsible for the Built Environment, Transport, or Infrastructure
- Federal Governments (preferred), State Governments, or Municipalities of Capital Cities
- Departments responsible for procuring construction products and services
- Umbrella Associations within the construction industry – membership composed of other associations
- Industry Associations within the construction industry – membership composed of individual practitioners
- Accreditation Bodies (accrediting university courses) and Standard Bodies focusing on construction
- Technology Advocates – local chapters of buildingSMART or similar organisations
Study Participants should have the following roles:
- Head of a Department (or their delegates)
- Chief Technology Officer (or their delegates)
- Ministerial Advisor or In-house Consultant
- BIM Leader, Coordinator, or similar
- Chief Engineer (or their delegates)
- Association President (or their delegates)
- Chapter President (or their delegates)
A priori, we rely on “Expert” participants that are vetted by the Study Coordinator:
- Experts based on the organisation they represent and/or work at;
- Experts based on their individual role within the represented organisation;
- Experts representing a macro-player (not themselves)
Identify at least 10 participants that satisfy all the criteria (affiliation and role), representing a macro-player. All study participants agree to complete the Policy Environment online survey. At least 50% of survey participants should also attend a validation Workshop.
2. Study Method
Step 1: Send the online survey to vetted study participants
- Send survey link to Study Participants
- At least 50% of the Study Participants agree to attend a validation Workshop
- Participants complete the online survey
Step 2: Data screening and validation workshop preparation
- Online surveys need to be completed and submitted
- The Study Coordinator analyses the Survey Results (see the Study Validation section below)
- The Study Coordinator identifies inconsistencies (but does not share them with Study Participants)
- The Study Coordinator make the arrangements for the Workshop (if confirmed)
Step 3: Conduct Validation Workshop
- The Study Coordinator discusses all the divergent claims/answers
- The Study Coordinator reviews the arguments and inspects the Evidence provided against the (LoE) metric (see the Study Validation section below)
- The Study Coordinator will distil an answer that is closest to ‘reality’ - a consensus development approach
- The Study Coordinator will complete the final Assessment representing the Region or Market:
- They will enter answers on behalf of all Policy Environment Study participants
- They will rate each answer against the LoE (see the Study Validation section below)
- They will upload the relevant artefacts if available (see the Study Validation section below)
- They will summarise the Key Adoption Indicators in a dedicated section
Step 4: Publication of Results
3. Study Validation
Due to the nature of the study, most survey responses must depict a single ‘reality’ (e.g., Availability of BIM Mandates in the Region). The review of Study Participants’ survey responses would reveal the following two possibilities:
- Answers converge (most are the same - there is practical consensus)
- We accept the answer/claim
- Answers diverge (there is no consensus)
- The Study Coordinator will filter the questions with divergent answers to be discussed in the Validation Workshop.
- During the Validation Workshop, the Study Coordinator will try to investigate which of the answers reflect ‘reality’ and enter an answer and add notes justifying the choice.
The Level of Evidence (LoE) is the number and type of artefacts requested for inspection by the Study Coordinator during study. The LoE includes 5 levels:
[0] no claim (Availability Question Not answered, Answered as a No, or Answered as I don’t Know)
[1] claimed (Availability Answered as a Yes)
[2] exhibited/demonstrated (Artefact Uploaded)
[3] inspected/analysed; and
[4] audited/certified. LoE also applies to types of questions posed, or types of answers expected, during BIMe Assessments
Some sections of the Policy Environment Study will need to provide some Level of Evidence (e.g., website, policy documents, etc.). For instance:
- Published Policy Documents
- BIM Mandates
- Government Incentives
- Legally enforceable documents
- Specifications (Information Requirements)
- Classification Systems
- Guidance Documents
- Adoption assessments across organisations
- Adoption assessments across projects
- Performance assessment Individual
- Product Information Templates
- Model Component Libraries
- Model Component Guides
- Model Uses
4. Production of a report
The Study Coordinator shall publish a national BIM adoption report aligned with the BIMei reporting template. The report will include both quantitative statistical analyses and qualitative assessments of BIM adoption and maturity across the region. An executive summary with recommendations to improve regional BIM adoption will be provided. To maximize accessibility, the report will be published digitally in English and translated into relevant regional languages. Both domestic and international publicity of the report is critical to benchmark progress and inform future BIM adoption efforts in the region and globally.